Thursday, August 16, 2012


Warning: this video will give you crazy-lady raccoon eyes

I knew when I became a parent --and even when I became a auntie-- I was setting myself up for a lifetime of teary-eyed major milestones. I knew that a first birthday, a first doctor's visit, a first day of school would all have me instantly turned into a weeping ball of mess. Sorry, kids, but yes, I will be the one in the audience blubbering like a crazy lady with mascara raccoon eyes as you walk across the stage at your high school graduation, and at your prom, your first broken heart, the first time you strike out... but I digress...

What I was not prepared for was the middle-of-the-day, I-just-thought-of-my-kids-and-now-I-can't-keep-it-together cries. It happens ALL. THE. TIME. 

...and just happened again when I watched this video of these six crazy little munchkins.

The other night we got all the cousins together and watched them laugh and run and play. THEY NEVER STOPPED SMILING. It was a beautiful thing to witness their pure joy and genuine love for each other. And even though they have their own unique personalities -- some bigger personalities than others! -- they seemed to seamlessly mesh together as one really amazing bunch of kids. It's my hope for them that no matter if they live next door, across town or across the state, they will always feel "at home" when they are together just like they did the other night. 

Damn it, I'm crying again!
Hautops #1, 2, and 3