Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Resourcefulness and a new family

I knew at some point this was going to happen.  The day when I would take a family's photograph not having ever met them and in a location that I had never seen, came last week.  I suppose I can only snap images of those close to me so many times before I must branch out.  Thankfully I have many dear friends willing to share the story of my journey into photography.  

Back in my days of corporate America someone once gave me a sign that said "Resourcefulness is the key to success".  Of course there was always some answer on how to achieve personal success, but this one seemed to stick.  I thought of that sign for weeks prior to this particular photo session.  I would need to tap into my inner resourcefulness in order to make this session a success. 

I had a wonderful experience meeting this new family.  They have an adorable son who turns one very soon and a beautiful home.  Thanks B family for letting me share in this milestone with you!


Monday, September 17, 2012

News from Hautop #2

So, I had high hopes of adding lots of images to the blog this summer and life just got in the way!  Anyway, I am excited to finally "contribute."  I have been spending much of my time this past spring and summer playing "team photographer" for all of my kids sports teams.  I say photographer loosely because I have been using this time to practice and learn.  I LOVE being on the field (or by the pool :-) and getting those fun action shots and then being able to share them with all the families on the team.  I am also blessed to have a husband who has helped fund this new obccession of mine because I know there is no way I could get many of the images without some of the new "gear."  Thankfully, he invested wisely because I have taken over 11,000 images since May!!!  As you can imagine, since so many people now see me with my camera I keep getting asked if I would be willing to take family pictures.  Up until recently, I have always politely declined because I have not trusted myself or my knowledge of my equipment.  However, a friend of mine recently asked if I could please take some pictures for her because her son was turning 6!!!!  I agreed and was thrilled with so many of the pictures.  They have such a beautiful family and we had a great time "playing" at the park.   Hope that you enjoy too...

Expect another post soon with some of the images from the field.