Monday, October 15, 2012

A push towards creativity!!

Good Monday morning to you!  Things around here are certainly buzzing, as I'm sure they are for you.  I actually always like Monday mornings.  A fresh start to a new week, a new outfit (or two) to wear from a weekend of shopping, and let's be kids are back in school from what is usually a very long Saturday and Sunday.  :)  

After our photography workshop with the very talented Abigail Seymour, Erin and I decided to add a new piece to the blog.  We feel we need to "up our game" in the creativity category.  It is very easy to find yourself taking pictures that are often composed in the same light and style.  That being said, we are starting a weekly challenge that should take our images to the next level!  Each week we will take a new look at how we snap photos; putting on our thinking caps and getting out of our comfort zone. 

This week we focused on taking images from a low perspective.  Instead of standing at eye-level we took our pictures from the ground up!  Here's what we came up with.....

Above images taken by Erin.  Here's what she had to say....
I was so excited about starting this new challenge and ready to grab my camera and get out there and start clicking away. Sadly, life managed to get in the way this week so here I am Sunday night finishing my pictures! Ugh! Despite all the hang ups, I really do think that I managed to learn a lot from the assignment this week. I wanted to learn more about photography because I want better pictures of my family and friends. I want to create memories that I will hold onto and cherish, and I want them to be worthy of hanging on the wall :-) But when I first picked up the camera this week, I went out and started taking pictures of all sorts of things in the backyard. Like the first one of the kids rock climbing wall, although I do love the effect using the low f stop (2.8) had on the image. But, I finally had to stop myself and remember that I want to create memories. So while the kids were playing in the front yard I decided to take my chance to grab the camera and click away. These images, while not perfect, are them doing the things they love! In the image of my daughter, I love that getting low to the ground (scratch that, I was laying belly down on the ground with her on a little hill), made her look even larger than life as she stretched to the sky. I also took some time to goof around in photoshop to try and figure out how to make the sky look a little more blue. Not sure that I love it but you have to start somewhere or you will never learn!! As for the one of my son, he LOVES to climb the tree and I have never taken a chance to photograph him doing this favorite activity. Then I used a free photoshop action that I downloaded from the pioneer lady (70's effect) and thought it made the image a little more fun.  

Above images taken by Vicki.  Here's what I have to say.  :)
Man, oh man do I need these weekly challenges.  I would like to self-identify as an aspiring, creative type.  Thanks to Pinterest and this blog, I'm headed in the right direction.  My favorite thing about photography is that it is a record of life.  So my pictures are reflections of how I spent my time this week.  The first picture is of my little munchkins.  They were watching the landscapers outside and for some reason felt the need to try and climb up the window?!  So rather than stop them or rush to help, I naturally grabbed my camera.  Not sure what that says about my parenting skills, thankfully this isn't that kind of blog.  Anyway, I really like the light coming in through the window and the overall playfulness of the scene.  The next picture was taken at one of my favorite places, my beloved hair salon.  :)  I'm sure you can just picture the chatter and laughter going on!  I love how this is the only place where it is completely acceptable to talk about nothing for hours.  If you're in the Charlotte area and looking to get 'yo hair did, check out Lisa, Sara, or Dennis.   As for the technical aspects of my pics this week....nothing too crazy.  No editing or filters were applied. 

Ok guys, that's it for this post!  Week #2 starts today and is focused on the color orange.  That shouldn't be too hard given the time of year.  :)  Tune in next Monday to check out what we've done!  And in the meantime, if anyone out there has a weekly challenge suggestion or wants to submit a photo just send us an email.

Thanks for reading!!

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